I can’t say what’s more painful - the pain I’m experiencing inside my body or the existential pain I’m experiencing as I come to terms with what’s happening to me - Cancer. More cancer. Fuck you cancer. Fuck you, fuck your family, fuck the horse you rode in on.
This isn’t how it was supposed to be. I was supposed to sit next to the rainbow lady on the airplane and MOVE ON WITH MY BEAUTIFUL LIFE.
Instead, the cancer has found a new, painful home in my liver. Fuck you cancer.
Fuck. You. Cancer.
I’m sorry you are going thru this. Recurrence is bad enough without spread.
If you need a liver surgeon, I can recommend mine highly as someone who was supposed to be at the end of her lifeline three years ago.
Sending you many, many healing stars in the meantime. ✨✨
So very sorry the Cancer Bitch is clawing at you again. She keeps doing the same to me. I wish I had some words of comfort, but hard to find them when all you feel is despair and pain.