I had to shave my head and this look is truly something. I mean, WOW, what a look. What. A. Look. But, since I am truly not capable of doing anything without ultimate WTF these days, just know, I also have to renew my drivers license. Because it expired. I guess I didn’t get a renewal notice in the mail because my address is old on there. And while I kind of knew it was expiring, I guess I didn’t really understand the process and timing of renewing a license with an address change. And, of course, the last time this renewal thing happened the DMV didn’t update my address even though I asked them to. And back then I just rolled with it because, whatever. But what I didn’t know back in those olden days was that in 2022 I would have stupid fucking cancer in the midst of a pandemic and that going inside the DMV would be so…fraught. Olden days me certainly did not ever expect to have just shaved her head last night, (amidst a very supportive shave club crew, thanks ladies) only to realize that she would be imminently staring into the lens of the DMV camera. And yet friends, here we are. Here we fucking are.
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